
Since internal evidence and external evidence shows that God is the author of the Bible, it is reasonable to accept God’s message.  All kinds of methods of interpretation seem to be applied to His holy word.  Many ignore the way we all communicate in everyday written language.  An attempt is made to change the message to suit the listener.  It is clear that God meant for us to read and understand His eternal plan for the salvation of all mankind.
Since we are all made in His image the message is universal.

  The plan of salvation involves several steps.  They are:

Hear the word of God – Romans 10:17
Believe the Jesus is the Son of God – Mark 16:15-16
Change your life (Repent) – Luke 13:3-5; Acts 2:38
Confess Jesus as Lord in your life – Romans 10:9-10
Be immersed in water (Baptism) – I Peter 3:21; Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16
Live faithfully unto death – Revelations 2:10

  Internal evidence of the Bible involves its own claims to be from God.  How can we tell that it is from God? There are several ways to tell.  They are:
  There is a unified message of scripture even though it was written by 40 men over a period of 1500 years.  The theme is clear.  The Father sent His Son Jesus to the world to die for the sins of all.  How could the authors have known how to create the unity of the text without having divine guidance?
  Eye witness testimony was written by those who actually saw God’s miracles.  This is quite strong.  It is exactly what we still use in courts today.  In many cases the witnesses were put to death for their testimony.
  Prophecy is probably the strongest evidence that we have.  Every single prophecy in scripture came to pass just like God said it would.  The period of silence, about 400 years, and then the fulfillment of those statements in Jesus and those around Him point to the Holy Spirit’s direction.
  External evidence comes from fields of study like archeology and science.  Even though the Bible is not a book about geography it is accurate about places and people mentioned in its pages.  Archeology helps us determine the accuracy of the text.  The Bible is not really intended to be a science book.  When it mentions some scientific idea, it is found to be true.  Study the laws for purification and disease prevention.  They show an understanding of germs, contagion and quarantine that are now accepted as true.  The earth is round.  We now understand this but how did Isaiah know this back in his day? The earth hangs on nothing.  How did Job know this? Isaiah 40:22 and Job 26:7 speak of these.  God could easily communicate these ideas to His servants to write down and it only makes sense that He did.  These concepts were beyond the scope of understanding in the days they were written.
  As a personal testimony, I became a Christian at the age of thirteen.  It was the best decision of my life.  God has greatly blessed me here in this life by teaching me the ways that are best.  He has steered me away from many decisions that would have harmed or even destroyed me.  He will do the same in your life if you let Him guide you by His teaching.