Imagine a series of words that are organized into meaningful sentences. Such sentences are shown below.
“Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the Alpha and the Omega. Amen.”
This may be placed into a block of some number of characters per row and some number of columns.
See the following:
J | E | S | U | S |   | I | S |   | K | I | N | G |   | O | F |   | K | I | N |
G | S |   | A | N | D |   | L | O | R | D |   | O | F |   | L | O | R | D | S |
. |   | H | E |   | I | S |   | T | H | E |   | A | L | P | H | A |   | A | N |
D |   | T | H | E |   | O | M | E | G | A | . |   | A | M | E | N | . |   |   |
To hide this message a series of changes might be applied to the block to make it appear differently.
For instance we might move every other character down one row and bring the last row to the top. This would be a simple rotation of the even numbered columns.
J |   | S | H | S |   | I | M |   | G | I |   | G | A | O | E |   |   | I |   |
G | E |   | U | N |   |   | S | O | K | D | N | O |   |   | F | O | K | D | N |
. | S | H | A |   | D | S | L | T | R | E |   | A | F | P | L | A | R | A | S |
D |   | T | E | E | I | O |   | E | H | A | . |   | L | M | H | N | . |   | N |
Already you can see that the original message has been scrambled quite a bit. Imagine many similar operations where the letters might be given a new position.
Along with that, the letter itself could be changed to another following some rule. For example the alphabet could be rotated such that A becomes B, B becomes C, C becomes D, etc. The last letter of the alphabet Z can become A to finish the rule.
Applying this to our block we get:
K |   | T | I | T |   | J | N |   | H | J |   | H | B | P | F |   |   | J |   |
H | F |   | V | O |   |   | T | P | L | E | O | P |   |   | G | P | L | E | O |
. | T | I | B |   | E | T | M | U | S | F |   | B | G | Q | M | B | S | B | T |
E |   | U | F | F | J | P |   | F | I | B | . |   | M | N | I | O | . |   | O |
After just two operations the original message looks like complete non-sense. This, of course, is an over-simplification of the process that goes on when information is encrypted by a computer algorithm.
The point here is to show that the information is still there. By reversing the two rules applied, the original message may be retrieved. Notice that the periods and the spaces were ignored in these changes
but in reality they also would have been changed by the same rules.
Two things of importance need to be observed. First, the information and its size are still there. It has been scrambled using the rules.
Second, the application of the rules will make the same final result for the same initial message.
This needs to be emphasized because someone trying to determine the original information will often rely on patterns to solve the problem.
The issue with most computer encryption these days is that it uses a single key to define the rules to make the scrambled message.
It uses that same key to reverse the rules and bring back the original. With the speed of modern computers,
a lot of attempts to find the key can be made in a very short time. Since speed is also important the number of rules to apply is also limited in number.
This may even provide some short cuts to hacking a solution.
There is also the brute force approach. It involves trying every possible key to solve the problem.
Unfortunantely this always works on every encryption out there. It has to because the right answer given by a friend or a foe must bring back the original.
This is the intention of the design. The trick is to make the number of possible combinations for the key very large. It follows that even the fastest computers today would take hundreds of years to solve.
The goal is to make the solution by brute force impractical.
So, what improvements could be made to the approach listed above?
First there needs to be a disconnection between the original data and the encrypted result. Information that is “scrambled” using a set of rules can be reversed.
If a different method were selected, manipulation of the encrypted information would not be an option.
Secondly, it would be quite helpful if the encrypted result were different each time the encryption was performed. That way a hacker would not know if the same information or different information was being observed.
With these two improvements in mind the super-secret algorithm was developed. It uses one idea from a book cypher. Then the addition of a random element was incorporated.
How can the details of its workings be revealed? Doesn’t that destroy its security? It does not matter what the would-be cyber attacker knows about this technique.
Proper construction of the idea prevents all but a brute force attack from working. As indicated above, trying all of the keys will eventually provide the correct answer.
If that process is limited or takes hundreds of years to resolve then practical security has been achieved.
One additional step may be added to the approach. If the encryption is applied twice using two different keys, then extreme protection is the result. This is because the
solution looked for by computer programs expect some sensible human readable pattern. It uses words or numbers that are recognized to know if the solution has been found. Suppose the operation is done twice.
Step one produces a cryptic message. Step two takes that cryptic message and makes it cryptic again. Reversing step two produces a cryptic message for all keys since it is back to the result of step one. In this way a hacking program never knows if the second key was the right one.
It must do step two first to reverse the operation but no meaningful information exists in the middle. This means the second key must be known for a practical solution. Otherwise there are just as many first keys that must be tried for each possible second key. This becomes a geometric progression the longer each first and second key are in length.
For a simple example consider just a one character key for the first and second operation. Let’s say the capital letters A-Z are selected as a first key. In addition let’s use all of the lower case letters a-z for our second key. Say that “M” is chosen for the first key. There were 25 other keys that could have been chosen. Next say that “y” has been selected for the second key. Again there were 25 others we could have picked from. If “M” is applied and then “y” is used it means to get the message back we must reverse the order. “y” must be used then “M” to restore the original. When “y” is used to reverse the encryption another encrypted value is returned. This one was the result of encrypting it through “M” at the first step. A hacking program would not know after the “y” had been tried first that it has the right answer. There will be no patterns to recognize. Therefore it follows that it must try A-Z for the second reversal. It would then find the answer with “M”. The point is that it would have to try all keys that were possible for key 2 and then it would have to try all possibilities for key 1.
In our example with 26 letters available for each that makes 676 (26x26) possible solutions just for this simple case. What about two 10 character keys? If upper case, lower case, symbols and numbers are added then there are 96 possible choices for each place holder. That makes one key 6.64e19 possible tries. For two keys it becomes a staggering 4.42e39
Super-Secret allows for a 50 character value to be used for the first or the second pass key. The number of possible combinations grows again to an amount that is beyond the reach of even the most powerful of computers.
Could the key be built from a known phrase and then repeating the solution over and over? No, because the pass key would have to be known for a specific secret code. It would not then work for any other pass key choices.
What we do at upload (From your PC to our server):
Secure your file(s) with a custom state of the art encryption method.
Return the file to you in a safe super-secret format.
What we do at download (From our server to your PC):
Remove the security from your file(s) with a custom state of the art decryption method.
Return the file to you in its original form.
What we DON’T do:
We DON’T keep your files in any unsecured format (ever).
We DON’T Track the passkeys you have used.
Important: This means you must keep track of Passkey 1 and Passkey 2 in some secure place at your end (or remember them). There is no way we can restore or “reset” them. Anyone trying to coerce them from you is not from our site or company.
DON’T give anyone this information unless it is a well trusted relative or friend.