
  Being healthy is very important.  I believe the Bible when it says God created every herb of the field for food (Gen. 1:29-30).  Food nourishes. Food helps the body heal.
Food keeps the immune system strong and vibrant.  The entire spectrum of vitamins, minerals and essential oils need to be consumed every day if possible.
I have been using a couple of products for my own personal health and they really work.  My sick time is usually 1-2 days per year.
Even these times are typically caused by trying to do too much and sleep too little.  I don’t have the aches and pains that I see others having.
Symptoms like Hay Fever and other allergies disappeared after using these products a few months.
  The first product is Km.  It is a blend of herbs containing roughly 57 vital nutrients.  My first experience with it was when I was 35.
As I tried it I could feel a wave of energy going through my body.  After several years on it I noticed that I had approximately 15% more energy.
I measured this based on the amount of work I could do and not get tired.  I could also stay up later and still feel rested in the morning.

  The second product is Mineral Toddy.  It is a blend containing over 95 nutrients.  I first learned about this product from the tape “Dead doctors don’t lie”.
In it Dr. Joel Wallach described all the information he had accumulated during his years of practice.  I literally learned more about health and the causes for disease
in his one hour presentation than I had in all the rest of the years of my life.  His approach makes perfect sense and it aligns with the Bible approach to health.
He treated many diseases with nutrition just like he had learned in veterinary school.  Each vital nutrient may cause as many as 10 serious conditions or diseases.
That means that the 95 nutrients that may be missing from ones diet would account for 950 diseases.  His explanation of colloidal minerals and how much better they work
has saved me thousands of dollars.

  Here is a brief summary of some of the nutrients and the known symptoms.
  Nutrient           Disease or Condition              Warning Signs

  Calcium           High Blood Pressure               Red face, dizziness, tired, out of breath

                        Arthritis                                   Joint aches, Muscle cramps, twitches,

  Chromium       Diabetes                                  Sleepy

Copper            Stroke, Varicose veins            White or Gray hair

  Selenium         Heart Attack                           Liver Spots on hands

  Tin                                                                   Balding in men

   Other health tips:

  Two products may be used to prevent or treat colds, flu and other germ related conditions.

  The first is Colloidal Silver.  Silver can get rid of a host of germs (bacteria) and therefore helps with colds.

  The second is Oil of Oregano.  This oil has been clinically tested and it destroys 95% or more of the virus during use.
Just think what that means in terms of treating the flu.  Your body would only have to work 1/20th as hard to fight off this annoying disease.
Taken regularly as a preventive, you probably won’t get it at all.

  One more that is good for bronchial conditions and pneumonia is elder mint tea.  The ingredients are elder berry, peppermint and Mullen.
Taken together in tea form, it can clear the lungs in a matter of hours.  Sip this tea over a period of 45 minutes to prevent stomach discomfort.